Emergency Supplies List

Emergency Preparedness Supplies

It’s a good idea to put together emergency preparedness supplies long before you need them. The Governor’s Division of Emergency Management and the National Weather Service advise that its much easier to gather the supplies and documents you need before hurricane season starts.

Having emergency supplies in easy to carry containers will serve you well, no matter what kind of natural or manmade emergency you face.

  1. First aid kit
  2. Extra prescription medication, written copies of prescriptions, other special medical items
  3. Important documents and records, photo ids, driver license, proof of residence, account  numbers, and information you may need to process insurance claims. Maintain in a waterproof container that is easy to carry
  4. Cash, including small bills (power outages mean banks and ATMs may be unavailable)
  5. Battery operated radio, NOAA weather radio (if possible)
  6. Flashlight with extra batteries
  7. Phone numbers of family and friends
  8. Road maps, a travel plan, hotel reservations, list of places between Richwood and your destination you can stop if the highways are clogged.
  9. A minimum of a 3 day supply of non perishable food, one gallon of bottled water per person per day.
  10. Coolers for food and ice storage, paper plates, plastic utensils.
  11.  Manual can opener, knife, tools, booster cables, fire extinguisher, duct tape, tarp, rope
  12. Blankets, pillows, sleeping bags and extra clothing
  13. Toilet paper, cleanup supplies, personal hygiene products
  14. Eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids
  15. Special supplies needed for babies, older adults or pets
  16. Extra keys

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